The concept of Sustainable Tourism, as defined by the United Nations Environment Programme and the World Tourism Organization (2005), accurately describes the development imperatives for Saint Lucia's tourism industry. The objectives of our tourism policy should be based on:
Economic Viability
Ensuring the viability and competitiveness of Saint Lucia as a tourism destination and of our tourism enterprises, so that they may be profitable and deliver benefits in the long term.
Local Prosperity
Maximizing the contribution of tourism to Saint Lucia's prosperity, including optimizing the proportion of visitor spending that is retained in the country.
Employment Quality
Strengthening the number and quality of local jobs created and supported by tourism, including the level of pay, conditions of service and availability to all without discrimination of any form.
Social Equity
Seeking widespread distribution of economic and social benefits from tourism throughout the island and its communities, including improving opportunities, income and services available to the poor.
Visitor Fulfillment
Providing a safe, satisfying and fulfilling experience for visitors, available without discrimination of any form.
Local Control
Engaging and empowering local communities in planning and decision making about the management and future development of tourism in their area, in consultation with other stakeholders.
Community Wellbeing
Maintaining and strengthening the quality of life in local communities, including social structures and access to resources, amenities and support systems, avoiding any form of social degradation or exploitation.
Cultural Richness
Respecting and enhancing the historic heritage, authentic culture, traditions and distinctiveness of communities on the island.
Physical Integrity
Maintaining and enhancing the quality of urban and rural landscapes and avoiding the physical and visual degradation of the environment.
Biological Diversity
Supporting the conservation of natural areas, habitats and wildlife, and minimizing damage to them.
Resource Efficiency
Minimizing the use of scarce and non-renewable resources in the development and operation of tourism facilities and services.
Environmental Purity
Minimizing the pollution of air, water and land and the generation of waste by tourism enterprises and visitors.