Risk and Crisis Management in the Tourism Sector
Develop a Crisis Communication Handbook to assist/guide local authorities in planning for, responding to and recovering from any crisis event.
Establish a dynamic database of all visitors on the island and their location to allow for accurate head counts and rapid assessments of post-disaster needs.
Require each hotel to create and designate secure spaces on the property where guests and employees may be housed safely during the passage of a storm or hurricane.
Require each hotel, during the Hurricane Season, to maintain in storage sufficient water and food supplies to service the needs of their guests for seven days after a natural disaster.
Develop an evacuation plan to guide the process of evacuating visitors out of the country after a disaster.
Tourism Planning for Climate Change
Review the Tourism Master Plan to make it more resilient to climate change.
Review and update certification requirements for stakeholders in the industry to reflect risk management and climate smart policies.
Climate-Smart Hotel and Accommodation Standards
Develop new climate-resilient codes and standards for the construction of tourism facilities and other infrastructure.
Encourage hotels to pursue Green Globe certification.
Develop a Coastal and Marine Tourism Policy to include guidelines for environmentally-friendly beach development, jetty construction and dive operations.
Integrate water conservation/storage, renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions at all tourism sites.
Manage solid and liquid waste, minimizing run-offs and promoting recycle initiatives.
Incorporate disaster risk management mechanisms in all tourism-related facilities.