December 13, which has for years been a public holiday to commemorate the discovery of Saint Lucia, should be designated as a celebration of the best of Saint Lucia - a day when we recognize the outstanding citizens, national icons and national heroes who have contributed to and shaped our development.
A new category of recognition in the Award of Saint Lucia called National Icon should be established. This category would recognize the Saint Lucian citizens who have made profound contributions over a lifetime of dedicated, unblemished service to their country. It would fall between the Saint Lucia Cross and the award of National Hero.
Saint Lucian citizens, past and present, whose hard work and selfless devotion to community and country helped develop our country should be nationally recognized by naming public buildings and infrastructure after them.
Saint Lucia is a country of exquisite beauty. Many places in our country have great cultural, historical and ecological significance. Every effort must be made to preserve these sites for the enjoyment and appreciation of present and future generations.
Under a program that will be jointly administered by the Saint Lucia National Trust and the Monsignor Patrick Anthony Folk Research Centre, financial support should be given for the designation of select sites as Places of National Value, under three categories: Cultural, Historical and Ecological. These sites should be chosen on the basis that their cultural, environmental or historical significance is so profound that it transcends all development interests and preserving it is for the common good of present and future generations.
Once designated in this manner, no development will be permitted that will compromise the Outstanding National Value of the site.
Greater support should be provided for the hosting of Nobel Laureate Month. Additionally, every school child at Infant and Primary School level should be taught about the achievements of our National Heroes, National Icons and Nobel Laureates.