Continuity of Business Operations
Identify all critical operations and service providers in the public and private sector.
Undertake a thorough analysis of these operations and service providers to determine whether Business Continuity Plans (BCPs) are present, and if they are, whether they can adequately respond to the needs following a range of natural disaster scenarios.
Where BCPs are not in place, provide support for the development of these plans.
Develop a mechanism for coordination of all emergency operations among the identified critical public and private service providers to develop synergies and complementarities where possible, and to remove all possibilities of friction, duplication and counter-actions.
Ensure that the National Continuity of Operations Plan (NCOP) is understood by all and integrated into the operations of all critical service providers.
Establish a standing committee with responsibility to ensure the NCOP is constantly updated and all stakeholders are routinely informed and reminded of their respective responsibilities under the NCOP.
Restoring Livelihoods among Vulnerable Groups
Conduct participatory gender-responsive community consultations to determine the priority areas for livelihoods recovery programming for men and women
Following on the community consultations, conduct a gender-responsive rapid assessment of women’s and men’s knowledge, skills and livelihood needs
Based on the rapid assessment, design and implement a livelihoods recovery program with a focus on supporting those who have dependents/primary caregivers, the most marginalized and vulnerable.