Flood Risk Management
Develop Flood Hazard maps that incorporate data from all recent rainfall events.
Develop a comprehensive plan to manage storm water, river flooding, storm surge and wastewater at the national and community levels.
Develop plans at the community and national levels to reduce the risks associated with flooding.
Provide flood hazard information in easily understood formats to communities so that they may make informed decisions when constructing buildings or engaging in livelihood activities.
Using the Multi-Hazard Early Warning System, improve the State’s capacity to alert residents of the likelihood of flooding and provide greater lead time for any necessary emergency actions.
Identify the areas that are most prone to flooding and devise strategies to protect lives and livelihoods in the event of a major flooding event.
Provide financial and technical support to community-led or driven flood mitigation interventions.
Landslide Hazard Mitigation
Develop a Landslide Hazard Map, identifying the areas that are most prone to land slippage and input data in a GIS platform on the frequency of landslides, geotechnical characteristics of the area, and any other factors that may impact or influence landslides.
Identify all critical assets, infrastructure and services in the landslide-prone areas.
Develop a priority list of areas for landslide vulnerability mitigation interventions, based on the socio-economic and environmental importance of the locations.
Develop projects that may be used to reduce the impacts of landslides in the affected areas, while contributing to the social and environmental improvement of the areas. As much as possible, interventions should be culturally appropriate and socially inclusive – paying attention to location choices by vulnerable households.
Undertake a comprehensive education program to sensitize residents and all stakeholders on the steps that they can take to reduce the risk posed by landslides.
Incorporation of landslide hazard mitigation measures in physical planning at the community and national levels.