The Saint Lucia Housing Corporation must be mandated to embark on an extensive housing and human settlements program in strategic locations on the island. This should involve a combination of built houses and fully serviced lots.
All new public housing infrastructure must be built to national resilience standards, which includes adopting measures to minimize the effects of flooding, adequate water storage capacity with rainwater harvesting capability, dual plumbing to allow for harvested rainwater to be used for non-potable, energy efficiency measures, and hurricane resistant windows and roofing.
All new housing developments must have in place infrastructure that enhances the safety of the people who live in and visit these developments, including adequate
street lighting, pedestrian walkways, proper drainage and signage.
All new housing developments must make provision for outdoor spaces for physical activity. An active community is a healthier community and the design of residential spaces must facilitate safe outdoor recreation by children and adults.
National standards should be developed for climate resilient housing and infrastructure and every effort should be made to help private developers to meet these standards in new housing developments.
Government should expand the program of regularizing unplanned developments by, wherever feasible, purchasing lands on which extensive squatting has taken place, putting in place all necessary services infrastructure, and providing title, at a nominal fee, to the households that have long occupied these lands.